Welcome to my GitHub page!

Hi, my name is Anne Henry and I am a junior student at Lehigh University. I am currently a double-major studying Political Science and Journalism. Additionally, I double-minor in Sociology/Anthropolgy and Marketing. This is my online portfolio that I created as a part of my Data Visualization course that is a part of the Journalism curriculum. In this course I have learned to use various visualization creating tools such as Chartbuilder, Tableau, Fusion Maps and more. Displayed here are some examples of my published data visualizations; I hope you enjoy!
My Visualizations
A picture is worth a thousand words right?
- Lehigh Class of 2019 Undergraduate Enrollment By College
- Lehigh College Enrollment Over Time
- A History US Olympic Women’s Gymnastics Champions
- Lehigh Breakfast Spots
- CO2 Emissions Over Time
Infographic: This infographic was created using Canva. The infographic displays the breakdown of Lehigh Univeristy's Class of 2019 in the 5 various colleges within the University.
Chart: This chart was created using Chartbuilder. This online tool allows the user to use a data set to quickly and easily create basic charts. The chart shows the enrollment in the 3 largest colleges within Lehigh University over the past 10 years.
Timeline: This timeline was created using Timeline JS3. The timeline displays the US Olympic Gymnastics stars throughout history.
Map: This map was created using Fusion Maps, which is an app that is supported through Google. The map provides locations for popular breakfast spots for Lehigh students.
Interactive Visualization: This interactive visualization was created using the Tableau public application. The interactive visualization is presented as a map of the CO2 emissions around the world over time. It’s interactivity includes zoom and search features on the map, a slider to change time periods, and hovering/selecting countries to view specific data. The map is color-coded based on emission amounts.
Cartoon: This personal cartoon (below) was created using Pixon. Here is a little look at my daily activities and interests.
*Drag to scroll the cartoon or click on it to see full image*
More Works/Let’s Connect
As a journalist in the age of technology and an ever-globalizing world, I attempt to stay up to date with all forms of media. If you would like to contact me, view my other works for other various publications and blogs, or simply follow me on social media. My information is listed below.
- HerTrack.com
- HerCampus.com
- Student Email
- Personal Email
Contact Info:
Social Media: